What We Do

Neptune P2P Group delivers Security Industry Association (SIA) courses from it’s Manchester UK Office. In January we held a Door Supervisor Course for two University Students which enabled them to get their SIA Door Supervisor License which has led to work with a Manchester-based, Events Security Company. The students have recently worked as stewards at several Manchester United Home fixtures. We run Door Supervisor courses every month and the dates can be found on our Training Academy Website.

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Spotlight Reports

As a private security company, we provide intelligence to businesses, government, construction and infrastructure, oil and gas, media, NGOs, private individuals, and many other organisations of all sizes across the globe. We empower and support you and your teams to make informed decisions.

Our Intelligence Team produces regular free reports which focus on the most pressing issues affecting global business, operations, and trade. You can read our reports here or if you need something more bespoke, please contact us and we’d be happy to help.