About Ports and Terminal Security

Ports and terminal security are a major foundation principle and a key tenant in maintaining effective and uninterrupted management of operations in ports and terminals. Many forms of security incidents could take place in your port, from minor security scenarios that cost time and money to a major incident with potential loss of life. The impact outcome will be based upon how your contingency plans and how you subsequently detect, respond, resolve, and recover from the event.

To ensure port and terminal safety, the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (and Government Port Security Regulations) requires ships and port facilities to be the ‘first responders’ to any given breach of security within their ship or port facility until a Local Government Agency can effectively attend the security incident site and respond. How long would this take in your port - do you have effective port and terminal security and contingency plans?

Neptune P2P Group specialise in the ISPS implementation of port and terminal safety and security plans, and port security terminal operations, including aboard offshore installations and fixed platforms isolated from shoreside security, and have delivered this service worldwide since 2003. Our port and terminal security services range from assistance in the development of Government level Maritime Domain Awareness security strategy and policies, to the functional training, roles and responsibilities of a security guard, and everything port and terminal safety security related in-between.

Neptune P2P Group's strapline is ‘Prevention by Protection’, we look to minimise your exposure and vulnerability from various forms of port and terminal security breaches or incidents that could potentially occur in and around your area of operations. We aim to focus your port security plans and procedures and security response measures on the most likely scenarios. Our approach to security equipment in operation is assessing if it is ‘fit for role’ (its function) and it is fit for purpose’ (that it mitigates the risk that it is intended to mitigate).

We work closely with all Port & Terminal safety stakeholders to ensure that all security plans and procedures are thoroughly understood and flawlessly implemented, including delivering training to those that need to be trained and vigorously testing contingency and emergency plans. Additionally, Neptune P2P Group holds Government Accreditation to deliver Port Facility Security Officer training courses. Our ISPS-certified experts provide ISPS code familiarisation as well as security training.

Neptune P2P Group are an accredited UK PFSO training provider, we deliver certified mandatory port security training to your workforce enabling a security culture to be adopted by all. In summary, Neptune P2P Group are ports and terminal security services specialists that can deliver:


To read more information on our certifications, accreditations, and flag states visit About Us.

Neptune P2P Group is an international private ports and terminal security company offering security risk management, maritime security, protective services, intelligence, and training. We have been protecting organisations operating in high-risk environments, on land and at sea, worldwide since 2009. From maritime security for vessel protection to security risk management consultancy, planning and training, we are here for you 24/7.