Incident Alert – Vessel Hijacked by Pirates near Cape Verde ‎

Date: 17May 2024 at 0410 UTC Position: 09° 11’N 027° 03’W

Location: 363nm south/southwest of Cape Verde

Incident Details

On 17 May 2024, it was reported that a Palau flagged oil tanker named FIDAN was boarded by 10 pirates carrying AK-47 assault rifles, 363 nm SSW of Cabo Verde. The pirates took control of the bridge, damaged communication equipment  and secured the crew. While the pirates stole crew and ship’s property and cash, it did not attempt to steal cargo or the vessel itself. Before withdrawing, the pirates claimed there were timed explosives on the doors room where the crew were being held, which would detonate if they exited before 2 hours elapsed after the pirates withdrew. The crew is shaken, but safe and uninjured, and the vessel successfully sailed to the next port of call.


Since the creation of the MDAT-GoG in 2016, there has not been an attack outside of its voluntary reporting area within this period. Currently, there are no facilities to allow for armed guards outside of the MDAT-GoG area.


There is a reasonable possibility of a Pirate Action Group (PAG) operating off the West Africa coast. As the incident took place just outside of the MDAT-GoG area, this is possibly a calculated action to evade intervention through military assistance or armed guards. Also, that the vessel’s communication equipment was also damaged, allowing a withdrawal before the authorities were alerted, also supports the suggestion that this was a planned attack. Although there are currently no facilities to allow for armed guards on vessels in this area, embarked unarmed security advisors can support vessels in countering such piracy threats. Whilst we ascertain if this is an isolated incident or otherwise, Neptune P2P group recommends that vessels transiting these waters consider the implementation of BMP-5 counter-piracy measures in addition to the use of unarmed security advisors which can prevent or mitigate the threat posed from piracy.