Date: 21 August 2024 at 0257 UTC | Position: 14° 52’N 041° 27’E |
Location: Approximately 77nm west of Hodeida, Yemen |
Incident Details
Regional military authorities have released details of a complex incident involving an attack on the Greek-flagged Oil Tanker SOUNION. Reports stated that the ship was initially approached by 2 skiffs which came to within 3-4 cables, one skiff had up to 5 personnel on board and the other skiff had up to 12 personnel onboard. The onboard Armed Security Team fired warning shots at the skiffs who then returned fire before moving away from the ship. At 0500 UTC, the vessel reported being struck by two projectiles causing a fire, the vessel lost propulsion and issued a Mayday call over VHF radio. The vessel was reported to be not under command. Subsequent reports suggest the ship was attacked on at least 2 further occasions including by an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV).

It was reported that the vessel went to anchor and requested assistance from naval assets operating under the EU Operation ASPIDES, a French warship rescued the crew and destroyed the USV. The ship has been abandoned and the crew are safe with 1 crew member sustaining a minor injury.
In what may be a change of tactics, the Houthis appear to be using small craft to directly attack or identify and direct missile attacks on specific targets. MT SOUNION is connected to 2 other vessels attacked on 08 and 12 August, it is believed other vessels managed by the ship’s operating company may have recently visited ports in Israel making them a target. We recommend ships increase vigilance when transiting this area and consider the use of an Armed Security Team to provide protection against attack from small craft.