Incident Alert – Al-Shabab Suicide Bomber Attacks Police Officers Outside a Café in Mogadishu

Date: 17 October 2024 at 1500 UTC Position: 2° 1’ 26.7N 45° 19’ 30.1°E

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Incident Details

On 17 October, a suicide bomber detonated an IED at a busy cafe next to the police training academy in Mogadishu, killing at least seven people and injuring six others. The casualties included both police officials and civilians. The location is near Mogadishu’s international airport and seaport and is often crowded with police officials. Al-Shabab has since claimed responsibility for the attack.

Fig1. Location of Incident (Mogadishu, Somalia)
Fig1. Location of Incident (Mogadishu, Somalia)

Comment. This attack coincided with a visit from United Nations Under-Secretary General Rosemary A. DiCarlo where she reaffirmed support for the Somali government to maintain stability and state-building capabilities. Additionally, this attack comes at a time when Somalia has been taking over security responsibilities from the international community under the African Transition Mission (ATMIS) which ends in December. On 03 August, an Al-Shabab suicide bomber targeted a busy beach in Mogadishu, killing 32 and injuring more than 63 others. This incident marks the fifth large incident in Mogadishu in 2024, highlighting wider regional security management challenges.

Assessment. Al-Shabab frequently targets Somali security personnel and infrastructure to weaken Somali governance in the region. With the Somali security forces taking over responsibilities from the ATMIS in December, the attack was highly likely an attempt to demoralise and degrade security services ahead of the transition. There is a reasonable possibility that this is part of wider shaping activity which is preparing Al-Shabab for more ambitious operations following the handover. With recent financial and political support being promised by the UN and the UK, the attack was also likely intended to demonstrate Al-Shabab counter-influence and its ability to strike targets at will in Mogadishu. Individuals and businesses that are concerned about terrorism abroad should consider the following guidance: ProtectUK | Home. Although UK focussed, it provides useful counter-terrorism, crisis management and emergency response advice.