Safeguard your employees during work travel | Neptune P2P Group
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Safeguard your employees during work travel

Is your company compliant?

Be it a road traffic accident, a kidnapping, or a natural disaster, ensuring the safety of your ‎employees traveling for work is not just a responsibility but a legal obligation. Companies have a ‎duty of care to protect their employees from potential risks.


Compliance with ISO 31030:2021 is essential to meet these global standards.‎


We work with our clients to provide comprehensive risk assessments, strategies, policies and ‎procedures for mitigating travel-related risks.‎


Contact us to speak to one of our Travel Risk Management Experts to see how ‎you can safeguard your employees in complex and hostile environments.

    5 Reasons why our customers choose us
    We have over 15 years experience in successfully protecting people, assets, supply chains and ‎organisations.‎
    We employ organic security and business intelligence analysts and risk management experts.‎
    Unlike the larger consultants, Neptune does not provide off the shelf solutions – we offer bespoke ‎resolutions. How you feel about us as a service provider as well as the outcome of our service ‎matters to us. ‎
    Stakeholder engagement it at the heart of our ethos. We work in collaboration with our clients, we ‎share our knowledge, insights, and experience, blending recommendations with the clients ‎cultural, environmental and resource requirements. ‎
    We are where you need us to be. Our Headquarters are in JLT, Dubai, UAE.
    What we offer?
    • Policy and Procedures
      We can develop your own travel security policy and procedures, providing the central thread to ‎delivering a duty of care.‎
    • Travel Preparation
      Neptune’s security and business intelligence analysts and risk management team can provide ‎bespoke security and intelligence reports and briefs on countries, regions, towns, routes or ‎journeys of your choice.‎
    • Monitor, Track, and Alert
      Using an advanced but simplistic technical mobile application, Neptune can monitor or track an ‎employees progress on a journey and provide immediate notification to company security officials ‎at a time of emergency should an alert be raised. ‎
    • Crisis Management
      Furthermore, should wider assistance be required, we can provide crisis management support ‎too.
    • Training
      Neptune can also provide pre-deployment training. This ranges form the basic Security ‎Awareness in Foreign Environments (SAFE) which covers the basic duty of care required to ‎prepare employees for general travel. To Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) which ‎caters for staff travelling to more dangerous locations.
    • Proxy security department
      It may not be cost-effective to have a security department within your company structure, but you ‎still need to provide a duty of care over your employees. Neptune, can provide that service for ‎you. ‎
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