Global Security Risk Map – Q2 2024

Over the past 3 months in the maritime domain, there remains 4 x Pirate Action Groups active in the Somali Basin and Indian Ocean – the MV ABDULLAH was released by pirates in return for a reported $5 million ransom in April. In the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, drone attacks gradually increased as the quarter progressed, but more worryingly was the deployment of Waterborne Improvised Explosive Devices (WBIED) being used for the first time against commercial shipping. In Europe, the President of Slovakia survived an assassination attempt, while Russian advances in Ukraine flatter to deceive. Security in France is being tightened ahead of the Summer Olympics. In the Middle East, Israel’s assault on Hamas progressed to Rafah, tit for tat attacks continue between Israel and Hezbollah, and the US Embassy in Beirut was attacked by IS. In Asia, three tourists were also murdered by IS militants in Afghanistan, while in New Caledonia, instability led to more than 3000 law enforcement personnel being deployed from France to the Oceanic island.  In Africa, kidnapping continues to increase in Nigeria, violence likewise in both Sudan and South Sudan, and in DRC along its borders with Uganda and Rwanda. Kenya witnessed riots over a Parliamentary bill intended to increase tax. And finally, a coup d’etat was foiled in Bolivia.

Download the latest Global Security Risk Map – Q2 2024 Report.