Travel Risk Management: Does your organisation provide its employees a Duty of Care?

Within the context of business travel, a duty of care is the legal obligation to identify and mitigate the risks involved for employees traveling. So…

A guy walks out of an airport terminal building in an African capital. He is approached by a man offering a cheap taxi ride. After looking at the length of the queue, he accepts this generous offer.

He goes on to:

a) arrive safely at his hotel; or

b) gets taken to the nearest ATM and at knifepoint, empties his bank account; or

c) is involved in a road traffic accident and is hospitalised.

If b) or c) happened to someone in your company – what would the company do next?

Lessons in saving you money, reputation, and maybe an employee’s life.

Download the latest Spotlight Report – Travel Risk Management: Does your organisation provide its employees a Duty of Care? 

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