TV and Film sets can often be a hectic, and even occasionally, chaotic work environment with sometimes hundreds of people coordinating efforts to meet tight deadlines and create outstanding programmes. Inherent in this controlled chaos are security risks and health and safety hazards that are not always apparent at first glance. Due to the amount of heavy equipment, props and power supplies on set, injuries are not uncommon. Cast and crew need the reassurance that they are safe from both external and internal threats to their safety if a production is to be successful and delivered on time. Recent events have highlighted the need for an effective health screening process to prevent, potentially, weeks of lost filming due to an outbreak of Covid-19 for example. And then there is the threat of theft, filming equipment is very expensive, so another possible security risk is the loss of valuable props and camera apparatus to opportunist thieves or over-zealous fans. Physical patrols are vital and demanding prerequisites for a successful production, this is a specialist area of security provision calling for absolute discretion and professionalism. Providing Film & TV Industry Security to the entertainment industry requires an in-depth appreciation and knowledge of what services and skills are required on a case-by-case basis. Read our latest Spotlight Report on Film & TV Industry Security and our proven track record in the entertainment industry ensures your safety and security needs are met.