Seychelles Coastguard and Judiciary in Anti-Piracy Exercise

The Seychelles Coast Guard (SCG) and the Judiciary, supported by EUCAP NESTOR, carried out a joint exercise at the weekend on combating piracy in Seychelles.

The exercise involved a scenario in which the Coast Guard vessel, Andromache, successfully intercepted a pirate skiff in Seychelles waters. Five judges, including Chief Justice Fredrick Egonda-Ntende, were on the Andromache observing the exercise.

“This exercise was extremely helpful in showing us first hand how the Coast Guard operates,” said CJ Egonda-Ntende.
The purpose of the exercise was to increase the judges’ understanding of how the Coast Guard intercepts pirates and to help the Coast Guard understand what the courts requires from a legal point of view in prosecuting pirates.

“I am pleased with the exercise since it allowed the Coast Guard to discuss with the judges some of the legal aspects of interception, such as how to handle evidence properly so that it can be used in court,” said Lt. Col. George Adeline, acting Commanding Officer of the SCG.

The exercise was facilitated by the EUCAP NESTOR team in the Seychelles. EUCAP NESTOR is a civilian mission deployed by the European Union to help the countries of the region build and enhance their maritime capabilities, in particular the ability of the Coast Guards to deal with piracy.

EUCAP NESTOR, together with EUNAVFOR ATALANTA and other EU efforts, is an integral part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to fighting piracy. In addition to the Seychelles, the mission is currently active in Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia.

“The Seychelles is at the forefront of combating piracy in the region,” said Admiral Jacques Launay, Head of Mission for EUCAP NESTOR.
“The Seychelles Coast Guard and Judiciary have time and again demonstrated their willingness and ability to deal with the threat of piracy. I welcome this exercise and look forward to deepening our support to the Seychelles.”

This exercise was the first in a series that will in the future include prosecutors and defence lawyers.

Source: Seychelles Nation


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