
How safe are your employees, assets, and supply chains in 2024?

We have worked with leading organisations including:
Be Prepared

Business interruption is one of the biggest risks companies face in 2024.

Get your free risk review with a Business Continuity and Resilience Expert and find out how prepared
your business is for the year ahead.

    Customer testimonial

    Neptune helped us get our operations up and running again in Yemen after being out of the country for five years.They worked with us to identify a suitable and safe office location, upgrade the office to ensure the safety and security of our staff, and established foundational policies and procedures for staff safety that still allow us to carry out our programmatic work on a daily basis.

    Neptune P2P Group   Security Risk Management in the UAE
    Five Reasons Why Our Customers Choose Us
    We have nearly 20 years experience in successfuly protecting people, assets, supply chains and organisations.
    We are where you need us to be. Our Head Quarters are in JLT, Dubai,UAE.
    We work in collaboration with our clients, we share our knowledge, insights, and experience.
    We have in-house business analysts and risk management and intelligence experts.
    We are former British Specialist Military Unit (SMU). We have over 150 years operational experience across the team.
    Download The Free Whitepaper

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